Feast 14 is an outreach worship service at Tyro UMC on Thursday evenings. There is a free meal at 6:00pm, followed by music, prayer, and fellowship. A separate children’s meal and program will be available for children birth to 14 years old.
Bus pickup is provided each week at 5:30pm from the following locations:
Reeds: West Davidson Food Pantry parking lot
Churchland: Churchland Baptist Church parking lot
Lexington: Salvation Army Return bus service will be provided after the worship service.
If you would like to help us serve at Feast 14, please contact Rev. Alanda Harris.
Feast 14
Our Ministries
We hope that you will find a ministry that is just right for you to become active in our community! At Tyro Methodist Church we believe in making disciples of Christ and making a difference! Join us in ministry!
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Meets Sundays at 4 pm in the Bethel-Wesley Building. All Youth Middle School to High School are invited!
Women of Hope
Welcoming ALL women of our church who are able to attend! Our Meetings are at 10am on the first Tuesday of each month in the Web of Dreams Classroom. We welcome anyone interested in serving through fellowship, prayers, time and talents.
We raise money so we can support many programs in our church, community and beyond.
Contact Cindy Ends at 336-239-5631 if you are interested in joining!
The Women of Hope support the following ministries:
Davidson County Cancer Program
Medical Ministries
Family Services
Crisis Ministry
West Davidson Food Pantry
Dragonfly House
Pastor's Pantry
Angel Tree - Salvation Army
Bibles for our seniors
Methodist Men
Father's Day Gift for Men
Backpack Program
Make dresses for missions
Our seniors enjoy monthly meetings, meals, and excursions. To receive more information, contact Lorie Mast.
Methodist Men
The United Methodist Men's commission is to help men grown in Christ, so others may know Christ. They meet monthly for breakfast on the first Sunday of each month at 7 AM at Tyro UMC. The Men's main goal is to help people in the community in times of need. If you are interested in joining the Methodist Men, you are invited to come to a breakfast meeting anytime. All men are welcome!